L&I Workers Compensation Claims and Paperwork
One of the difficulties in workers’ compensation claims is the paperwork requirements. Everyone involved in workers' compensation claims have significant paperwork demands. Attending physicians, treating providers, counselors, therapists, employers and injured workers. Sometimes paperwork is confusing. Sometimes it feels unnecessary. And sometimes it is incredibly burdensome. As a result paperwork frequently isn’t done right. It ends up being inaccurate or incomplete.
In my opinion, when it comes to paperwork, the devil is in the details. Paperwork problems lead to significant roadblocks. Even benefit denials. In some cases even worse - litigation and waste significant time and expenses for injured workers. This happens when you litigate to sort out confusion instead of a legitimate dispute.
I speak to potential new clients all the time. Using our experience and assistance, we ensure that paperwork requirements are met for each and every client. This is definitely a selling point. You’d be surprised how much claim related stress is lifted when the injured worker has a representative to worry about the paperwork requirements. I pride myself in helping injured workers navigate all aspects of their claims, including the paperwork. However, how do fix the real issue? How can we make the paperwork easier for everyone involved in the claim administration process?