Work Injury Hazards for Outdoor Workers During the Winter
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), outdoor work environments pose a variety of work injury hazards. The specific hazards vary depending on the type of work being done, geography, and season. Work injury risks also depend on the lengths of time each worker is exposed to outdoor cold temperatures, snow, wind and rain. It is important for workers to understand their work conditions in order to effectively identify and prevent work injury or occupational illness.
Outdoor workers face unique work injury challenges
In winter, one of the biggest risks for outdoor workers is exposure to extreme cold. Working in cold weather conditions puts the worker at risk of developing cold stress. Even in regions like ours, the Greater Seattle area, where extreme freezing temperatures and snow events occur infrequently, near freezing temperatures can cause cold stress.
Cold stress occurs when heat rapidly leaves the body. Usually, this happens due to a combination of very low temperatures and general increase in cold air flow, like wind. Cold stress can lead to serious health problems including hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains.
Winter work injury conditions - Hypothermia and Frostbite
Hypothermia is when the body loses heat faster than it makes heat. The body uses its stored energy and results in abnormally low body temperature. In turn, a person experiencing Hypothermia might have hard time thinking clearly or moving effectively. Normally, a person suffering from Hypothermia won't know it's happening, and can’t do anything about it.
Frostbite is when a part of the body is injured by being frozen. Here, when the body part freezes, it may lose color and feeling. It may also sustain permanent damage from tissue damage. When a tissue damage occurs, the injured person may be in need for amputation. Body parts susceptible to frost bite include the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes. If you are working outside, make sure you dress properly, and wear warn protective gear. Improperly dressed workers are at an increased risk for developing frostbite.
Trench foot and cold-water immersion in winter work injuries
Trench foot happens when one foot or both feet are exposed to wet and cold conditions for an extended time. If your feet are constantly wet, it's important to know that trench foot can even happen at temperatures as high as sixty degrees. That's because wet feet lose heat twenty-five times faster than when they are dry. To prevent heat loss, the body constricts blood vessels to shut down circulation in the feet. As a result, the body deprives the tissue of necessary oxygen and nutrients, and then the tissue dies. If you are working in cold and wet weather, it's extremely important to wear proper footwear to prevent this kind of work injury.
Another cold weather danger for workers in our area is the risk of cold-water immersion. Workers who are immersed in cold water will likely develop immersion hypothermia. While it's like regular hypothermia, immersion hypothermia sets in more quickly because water causes heat to leave the body much faster than air. Immersion hypothermia can occur in any water below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. In the winter months, we see a real increase in water immersion work injuries in Washington State. Lake Washington is currently only 46 degrees Fahrenheit. Similarly, Lake Sammamish is only 45 degrees Fahrenheit. In comparison, Elliott Bay water temperatures range between 57 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year. For reference, Hood Canal ranges from 55 to 63 degrees Fahrenheit.
Summary and recommendations
In summary, outdoor work in cold months presents significant hazards for workers. To prevent the risk of work injury and illnesses, it's important for workers to be aware of potential risks. Moreover, it's important to know how to spot and treat symptoms early. Make sure you wear proper cold weather clothing, and that you have access to shelter and when needed. Please stay warm and safe out there!
I work for Pierce County Roads Department. I was flaggiing for 4 days 8 hours a day with no breaks only half hour lunch. I had a meeting with the Safety Manager and informed him that we were not getting breaks on the second day. I explained the potential health hazzards of being exposed with the cars going by us at 50 mph and being wet. Which brought the wind chill degrees even lower. I also stated the concern of my health being older. I am 59 years old. I have a voicemail asking me to meet with a manager at 330 that day. When I met with him he told me it was my job and I had to deal with it. He was laughing at me the whole time and smirking. I asked him to stop laughing at me. He said I need to come prepared and watch the weather report. I went back to work for 2 more days. On the 5th day I called in sick. I ended up at Emergency care with diagnosis of 1st degree frost bite on both feet, toes and both hands and fingers. The doctor said I he was going to file a workers comp claim. I called in sick of Monday and told my supervisor and made an appointment to come in to fill out paperwork. While filling out paperwork with 3 of my supeervisors the manager that I met with previously who was laughing at me, came in to reprimand me for not calling in sick that morning. I told him I called in yesterday and made an appointment for 130pm today. They already knew I wasnt coming in to work. He continued to reprimand me in front of 3 supervisors and I told him to leave me alone. I said I was there to do paperwork for L & I and that I was going home. He wanted me to read a letter out loud. I said what am I in the Principal’s office? I am not reading this outloud! After about 10- minutes of this arguing he finally left. Now I am seeing an occupational health doctor and I am waiting to see specialist for hands and feet for nerve damage. I am scheduled to return to work 3/5/25. The APF form says not to be released to any work from (date) 02/19/25 “to” 03/05/25 Does that mean I have to be back to work ON friday or am I excused for that day and need to be there on Monday? How can I stop them from treating me unfairly when I return to work, they are going to be really mad at me as all my direct supervisors were present when I was arguing with the Manager. I was hurting and really stressed out.
Hi Sharon. There’s a lot going on in your situation and it’s difficult to answer it online. Please feel free to call our office to schedule a free consultation and we can go over everything.